Trademark and Licensing Services

Trademark and Licensing Services

Chattanooga FC will accept applications for officially licensed apparel and merchandise vendors. Our Trademark & Licensing Services regulates, promotes, and protects the use of the club’s name and identifying trademarks.


Chattanooga FC, for the first time in club history, Chattanooga Football Club is accepting applications for officially licensed apparel and merchandise vendors. The CFC licensing program regulates, promotes, and protects the use of the club’s name and identifying trademarks.

Chattanooga Football Club has registered its marks in the state of Tennessee and the United States. This ensures protection of the integrity and identity of Chattanooga Football Club. By ensuring that all products bearing the official marks of the club meet all standards set forth by the brand guidelines. Written permission must be granted from Chattanooga Football Club's Licensing Department for use of the club's name or marks for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Official Trademarks include:

  • Word(s)
  • Phrase
  • Symbol
  • Design
  • Color
  • Group of letters
  • Combination of the above

Criteria for licensing evaluation will include the following:

  • Quality
  • Marketability
  • Appropriateness
  • Corporate Stability
  • Licensing Experience
  • Availability of Similar Products Through Current Licensees

Companies interested in applying for a license with Chattanooga Football Club must complete the full application process here. Please contact to begin your application.